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User Declarations

By using the Site, Users accept the Terms and Conditions and declare under oath to be 18 years of age or older. Parents, guardians, or legal representatives of minors under 18 years of age using the Site are fully and exclusively responsible for their use of the Site, including, but not limited to, any charges or costs incurred as a result of such use. We request that anyone who disagrees, for any reason, with each and every term of these Terms and Conditions, refrain from using the Site.

Specific Conditions of Interaction with the Site

THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS is a non-profit entity affiliated with the Organization of American States (OAS) and aims to strengthen the capacities of individuals and organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean through innovation, access to information, and the development of skills to enhance their opportunities.
In this regard, the Site offers Programs, donation plans in cash or in kind, and general information about its mission, as well as the possibility of subscribing as a volunteer for the organization. In order to carry out any of the interactions that the User intends with the Site, it is necessary for the User to provide certain Personal Data. At that time, the User must provide truthful, complete, and accurate information. THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS may request some form of identification or additional data to verify the personal information of Site Users. The User is solely responsible for any damages caused by providing any other Personal Data that does not belong to them. THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS has the right to reject any request for interaction with the Site or to cancel a previously accepted contract and/or volunteer application, without being obligated to communicate or explain the reasons for its decision, and without generating any right to compensation or reimbursement.

Donation Procedure

Users intending to make a donation (hereinafter referred to as the "Donation" and/or "Donation and/or Programs") may choose to do so by either check or credit card. If opting for the former, please make the check payable to THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS at 1889 F Street, NW, Washington DC, 20006. If opting for the latter, please make the donation with your credit card at https://www.oas.org/cc/default.aspx?type=donations&store=trust&lang=en. Donations are accepted as irrevocable gifts and therefore cannot be canceled or refunded.


Users will indemnify, defend and hold THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS harmless from any damages, liabilities, and costs that may arise as a result of a third-party claim against THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS and/or its directors, representatives, or employees of any position, action, or demand, including but not limited to reasonable legal expenses, arising from any material they have provided to THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS through any misuse of the Site provided by THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS or in violation of these Terms and Conditions. THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS will promptly notify them of any claim, action, or proceeding through the contact information provided by them at the time of Interaction with the Site provided by THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS.

Responsibility – Disclaimer

THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS declares that it has taken the necessary measures that, within its possibilities and the state of technology, allow for the proper functioning of the Website, as well as the absence of viruses and harmful components. However, THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS cannot be held responsible for: (i) the continuity and availability of the contents and Services; (ii) the absence of errors in such contents or the correction of any defects that may occur; (iii) the damages or harm caused by any person who breaches THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS's security systems.

THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS assumes no responsibility for links to other websites found on the Website, which may lead the User to other websites over which THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS has no control. Therefore, the inclusion of links to other websites does not imply approval of their contents by THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS, nor the existence of any kind of association between THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS and their owners. Thus, the User accesses the Content under their sole responsibility and in accordance with the terms of use governing them.

The use of the Internet and the Site implies assuming risks of damage to the user's software and hardware. Documents and files may contain viruses, and, as with any interconnected computer, the User's computer may be targeted by hackers who could access, extract, or damage the information contained therein. The Site is not responsible for the consequences that may result from the User assuming that risk. No action or use of devices, software, or any other means aimed at interfering with the activities and operations of THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS, as well as the courses, programs, or databases of THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS, will be allowed. Any intrusion, attempt, or activity that violates or contravenes intellectual property laws and/or the prohibitions stipulated herein will make the responsible party liable for legal action, as well as the sanctions provided for in this agreement, and liable to compensate for any damages caused.

Donations through Linked Sites

THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS receives donations through linked websites. Regarding liability, reference is made to the "Responsibility – Disclaimer" section for brevity.


All notifications and/or communications required by the use of the Website must be made in writing to the email address info@trust-oea.org or to its legal address indicated in these Terms and Conditions.
Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
These Terms and Conditions are governed exclusively and in all respects by the laws of NW, Washington D.C., and shall be interpreted in accordance with them. By using the Site, the User agrees that the applicable federal law and the laws of the NW federal district of Washington D.C., without applying principles of conflict of laws, shall govern these Terms of Use and any dispute of any kind that may arise between the User and THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS.
In the event of any difference, disagreement, or conflict arising from the interpretation, validity, scope, and/or application of these Terms and Conditions, Users shall communicate with THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS in good faith, sending their claim, so that the parties attempt to reach an agreement. Any dispute or claim related in any way to your use of any Interaction with the Site shall be resolved in the courts of NW, Washington D.C. Each party waives any right to a jury trial.

Update of Terms and Conditions

THE TRUST FOR THE AMERICAS shall have the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time and without prior notice, with its updated publication on the Site serving as sufficient notification to Users.